Workout anywhere anywhere

Stop worrying about the equipment

no equipment
yoga mat
Elastic band

What our users say

Lilly Brooks

I’m a rather reserved person who doesn’t like many social interactions. This is why I work from home and, thanks to SportiveRoom, I can work out at home too. The site provides useful video workouts that help me stay fit and healthy. Recommend!

Adam Daniels
Office manager

All the office workers know how important exercising is for the health of your neck and spine. This service helps me stay healthy and happy, which is why I love it so much.

Kate Richardson
Former professional athlete

used to be a professional tennis player but had to leave the sport because of my shoulder injury. However, I still exercise and SportiveRoom helps me make my workout routine efficient and organized.

Mark Swan

I don’t have much time for exercising. The thing is, driving all the way to the gym and back home takes a whole bunch of time, which is the most valuable resource for me. This is why I use SportiveRoom and recommend it to everyone.

Melissa Adams
Marketing manager

I’m not really into fitness but I do work out to stay healthy and this platform helps me find the best workouts for me. Love it! 10 out of 10.

Cory Smith
Software engineer

The platform has lots of video workouts for all muscle groups, which is pretty cool for those who want to work on certain muscles. I really enjoy it and I dare to recommend it to everyone who wants to grow muscles or lose weight.

Daniella Bergara

SportiveRoom saves me a whole bunch of time because I don’t have to travel all the way to the gym and then back home. I really love it but it probably won’t work for those people who lack motivation to regularly work out at home.

Tim Lee
Flight attendant

I’m very limited in time and space when it comes to exercising, so services like SportiveRoom are the best option for me. I can work out no matter where I am and this is awesome.

Rachel Scott
Truck driver

I spend most of my life in my truck and this ain’t good for my back. SportiveRoom has many workout tutorials that help me prevent back pain and stay healthy and fit.

Ryan Black

I understand how important exercising is but, unfortunately, I don’t have much time for that. Luckily, I found this service and now I have plenty of short video workouts for all muscle groups.

Samantha Gilbert

True way I look is rather important for my career and this is why I pay a lot of attention to working out and nutrition. SportiveRoom helps me find the best exercises for my body type and fitness goals, which is why I love it so much.

Robert Kent

For me, working out is the best way to relieve stress but, unfortunately, having a personal trainer is quite expensive but this service is a great substitute. So I surely recommend it.